National Educational Policy 2020


The National Education Policy is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in the country. A new NEP usually comes along every few decades. The first came in 1968 and the second in 1986. The third new NEP was released on 29th July 2020.

The NEP provides only a board direction and it is not mandatory to follow. Since education is a concurrent subject (both the center and the state governments can make laws on it), this will not happen immediately.

The government has set a target of 2040 to implement the entire policy.

In school education the policy focuses on overhauling the curriculum, “easier” board exams, a reduction in the syllabus to retain “core essentials” and thrust on “experimental learning and critical thinking”.

Design of NEP 2020:

The NEP pitches for a “5+3+3+4” design corresponding to the age group of 3 to 8 years as foundational stage, 8 to 11 as preparatory stage, 11 to 14 as middle stage and 14 to 18 as secondary stage.

  • Foundational stage – 3 years (Pre-School) + 2 years (class 1&2)
  •  Preparatory stage - 3 years (class 3-5)
  • Middle stage – 3 years (class 6-8)
  • Secondary education – 4 years (class 9-12)

Foundation stage

Foundational literacy & numeracy (FLN):

It is about enabling the students to read and learn with meaning and do basic math problems by class 3 as it is the turning point for the students.

The main purpose of FLN is to focus on basic mathematics like addition, subtraction, which a class 5 student should be comfortable with a brainstormer for the students.

It will be achieved by introducing more interactive classes and activity based classes. Many years educators recommended this method for but, didn’t implement it effectively.

NEP says students until class 5 should be thought in their mother tongue or regional language.

Preparatory stage

NEP proposes an “early implementation of three language formula to promote multilingualism” from school level.

The three languages learned by the children will be the choice of the state, region and of course the students themselves, so long as at least two of three languages are native to India.

Middle stage

The middle stage focuses on the development of vocational training like electrical, carpentry, gardening and so on. Here the students have to spend a 10 days internship program with the local vocational experts.

It helps our country to change from service based economy to product based economy.

Coding will be introduced in class 6 itself.

In particular, students who wish to change one or more of the three languages they are studying may do so in class 6 or 7, as long as they are able to demonstrate basic proficiency in three languages by the end of secondary school.

Comprehensive reports of students will be generated other than subjects like their interest in arts, coding, technology and so on. Based on this report, the student will be able to choose his/her major before entering class 9.

Secondary stage

The secondary stage includes multidisciplinary study where students would be able to pick and choose any set of subjects from the available structure. This focuses on critical thinking and flexibility, allowing the children to pick subjects on their own interests.

My opinion

Now a-days, many students in class 3 may feel difficult in basic math functions like addition, subtraction and also they struck in fast reading books. FLN is a good initiative to improve the student’s basic skills like math skills and fast reading.

Although children can learn multiple languages around the age 11, learning of three languages in the preparatory stage may inject some stress to them.

Introduction to vocational training in the middle stage will be cheered. But after completing vocational training in the middle stage there some people may get drop out. Although the percentage of drop out may less than 2%, we have to reduce it.

Coding will become one of the basic skills in the upcoming years, so learning of coding in middle stage is appreciated.

Multidisciplinary subjects reduce the stress in the students and they feel free to pick the subjects which they wish to study. It improves the creative thinking among students as they feel happy to study those subjects. It may be a part of “make in India” concept.


  1. You have mentioned three languages may create stress in children, but don't u know a child with native in north and dwelling in South. They easily learn languages than adult. Post your opinion on it!

    1. Yes of course. The researchers also mentioned that a child with below age 12 can learn multi languages easily. Learning languages one after another can be adopted instead of learning all those three at a stretch is my opinion. Three language formula can create some stress in atleast 20 out of 30 children is my opinion


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