Mono Lisa

Mono Lisa is a portrait oil painting by an Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci. It has a dimension of 77cm*53cm and located in the Louvre Museum since 1797. Da Vinci exploited an optical illusion to create a unique smile through perspective and his use of shadow work. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in such a way that the eyes of the Mona Lisa fall directly in the center of vision of the viewer, while the lips fall just under the periphery of one's vision.

Here we will see the 10 famous features of Mono Lisa:

1) After the death of Da Vinci, Napoleon, a famous dictator, placed this masterpiece in his bedroom for many years. The reason behind this was the people who viewed this masterpiece will mesmerize and didn’t take their eyes out of this masterpiece.

2) Da Vinci exploited an optical illusion to create a unique smile through perspective and his use of shadow work. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in such a way that the eyes of the Mona Lisa fall directly in the center of vision of the viewer, while the lips fall just under the periphery of one's vision.

3) In this masterpiece, Mono Lisa dressed by a black slightly transparent cloth. At that time it was used by the women who were pregnant.

4) Da Vinci painted it by a “sfumato” method. It is a painting technique for softening the transition between colors, mimicking an area beyond what the human eye is focusing on, or the out-of-focus plane. Wherever we stand in a room, we can observe that Mono Lisa’s eye on the painting focusing us.

5) If we super zoom the Mono Lisa’s eye we can see two letters “LV”. Some were speculate that it was
a signature of Leonardo Da Vinci.

6) In this masterpiece, a bridge present behind Mono Lisa had an Italian sentence, “the answer lies here 72.” On comparing those letters with the Da Vinci’s diary letters, we came to the conclusion that it was his signature. Some people went to that bridge, seeking for answer. Finally they saw “1472”, the year of construction of bridge. Some believe that he hide something he wanted to say, inside the bridge at the time of construction.

7) Salai was a male maid of Da Vinci. Da Vinci is a gay in his personal life. It is believed that Mono Lisa was a woman mask of Salai, due to the same appearance of their face.

8) Another speculation was that Mono Lisa is none other than Da Vinci.

9) If we make a mirror image of Mono Lisa, we can see some face of alien. He wished to convey the presence of aliens to the next generation.

10) Generally, Da Vinci mirrored his writing, starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left.


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